For reliability of supply, the sphere will hold 3000 MT’s of propane, turning this 3 time a month, is around 100,000 MT’s sufficient to fuel approximately 75 MW of generating capacity.
Vitol take their supply contracts seriously and the markets that they are wanting to develop. The NAVGAS terminal and the Nigerian LPG market being a case in point. Reason why the market grew was because we kept the market supplied. Even when NLNG tried to prioritise other customers we started importing. Consequently, the market grew from 50,000 MT#’s per year to the current 1/2 a million.
We have the same outlook for Propane to Power. Vitol are the largest global trading company in the world with the resources to follow up on the commitments made in their agreements, with numerous examples to evidence this. We have been active in Nigeria since 1996, and are shareholders in OVH (Oando filling stations), NAVGAS, and an LPG Distribution company, in addition to supplying a considerable proportion of the countries transportation fuels. We have the financial resources to follow through and are committed to our business in Nigeria.
OG Power in conjunction with ALTERNATIO NAVITAS have over 20 years of combined experience in the power industry in Nigeria. The directors of OG Power are responsible for over 400 MW of installed gas power plants across Africa, their knowledge and experience in this sector are second to none.
Propane gas Generators are available from 20KW upwards.
Independent Power Production using propane can be undertaken, the customer will pay a price per KW supplied.